Statistics of children surveyed by Samadhan in 2008

Areas of Survey:

Dakshinpuri, Dakshinpuri Extension, Madangir colony, Madangir DDA Flats, Madangir Village, Khanpur village, Khanpur village and Tigri colony

Statistics of House survey

From 2007-December 2008, 2469 households were visited in Dwarka and 109 children with intellectual or physical disabilities were identified. In Dakshinpuri, 3282 households were visited and 68 children with intellectual or physical disabilities were identified.

Statistics of School survey

In 2007-2008, 28 MCD primary schools, 63 private primary schools, 6 MCD Dispensaries, 33 private clinics, 18 govt. schools were covered in at Dakshinpuri, Madangir and Tigri areas. In Dwarka 44 schools were visited. 

Administrative Office

Samadhan, Centre for Human Resources
Sector 2, Pocket 2,
Dwarka, New Delhi - 1100 75

+91-11-2507 3137
+91-11- 45516693
+91-74284 50880

Registered Office

Samadhan, Centre for Human Resources
F-Block Main Park, Sector-V,
Dakshinpuri, New Delhi - 110 062

+91-11-2905 4367

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