Participating Events

SAMADHAN RECEIVES THE MOST PROMISING PROGRAMME AWARD 2018 01The Most Promising Programme Award is a CauseBecause initiative to recognize and felicitate programmes that are complementing the efforts of international communities and governments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).The idea is to encourage and motivate non-profits to align their programmes’ objectives with the SDGs as also to create impacting models that can be adopted or replicated for a larger impact. This edition of CoffeeFor Cause, the awardees were selected through a planned evaluation process and were felicitated at the event by distinguished individuals from the domain.

SAMADHAN’sprogramme Education of children with intellectual disabilities is one of the CauseBecause Most Promising Social Programmes that complement the Sustainable Development Goals. Out of more than 80 applications, SAMADHAN was selected under Category III: Quality Education. Ms. Pramila Balasundaram, Founder of SAMADHAN received the award on behalf of the team of SAMADHAN.

SAMADHAN RECEIVES THE MOST PROMISING PROGRAMME AWARD 2018 02The felicitation ceremony was held at Coffee for Cause: Conversations around Sustainability and CSR on 22 June 2018, at The Lalit, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.

Coffee for cause was first conceptualized in 2014 and has been steadily scaling up with participation of decision makers from the country’s largest corporate groups, relevant government officials, leaders from not-for-profit organizations as well as accomplished individuals from various fields including the arts, cinema and sports. It is to know, converse with, and exchange ideas with people whose areas of work revolve around ‘causes’. This is a regular forum that enables conversations that go on, to build relationships, and to give a boost to scattered efforts that are for one cause or the other.

SAMADHAN is honored to receive the award for the Most Promising Programme 2018 and thanks Team Coffee Because and the Jury for recognizing and appreciating the project which serves the children with intellectual disabilities from the underprivileged families.


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