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Challenges to Celebrations

An innovative event - Challenges to Celebrations” was organised by SAMADHAN, NGO working with children with intellectual disabilities and their families, in collaboration with India International Centre on February 28, 2018 at the auditorium of IIC, New Delhi, India.

The program was inaugurated with a prayer song, (“Hum ko mann ki shakti”) by the staff of SAMADHAN and Jan Madhyam, an NGO working for the Inclusion of challenged and economically disadvantaged children.

Ms. Pramila Balasundaram, Founder of SAMADHAN welcomed the gathering, followed by sharing of experiences by Ms. Ranjana Pandey, Founder of Jan Madhyam.  She shared how her life`s journey with her daughter led to the birth of Jan Madhyam.

Creativity is inherent in all human beings. Art, music, dance and theatre provide an effective language of expression of inner feelings. The event created an opportunity for the Self advocates to showcase their talents and every effort of such performances becomes a celebration of overcoming challenges. It was such a great platform with colorful and creative activities performed by the children with intellectual disabilities.

The event was very informal and emotional with sharing of their stories by persons with disabilities interspersed with musical and dance performances by special needs children.

Young dancers from SAMADHAN danced beautifully to the song - “Choti si asha”. They enthralled the audience both with their graceful movements and lovely costumes. It was a touching moment for parents who witnessed, the first stage performance of their children. The students from Jan Madhyam with their stylish attire performed to their own composition.

Beautiful and soulful classical Hindi song was presented by Ms. Sandhya – Muskaan, NGO working for persons with intellectual disabilities.

Ms. Amrit Khurana - Self Advocate, displayed her paintings which are stunning, picturesque and attractive. Ms. Arti, mother of Amrit Khurana, spoke about her life experiences as mother of a disabled child and how they both overcame the issues and are leading a positive and successful life now.

This was followed by an introduction by Mr. Bharat Singh a Self Advocate and brother of one of SAMADHAN`s Special Educator Ms. Latika at Dakshinpuri Centre. Ms. Rama, another special educator from SAMADHAN interviewed Latika about her personal experiences she encountered while sending her brother for work using public transport, the positive and negative responses of the society towards her brother and the importance of the support from the family and work place.   It was very inspirational to many especially to the parents of children with intellectual disability.

After the performances and presentations, there was an open house discussion facilitated by Ms. Ranjana Pandey, where some of the parents shared their life experiences and wished for more such platforms for the children to showcase their talents and build confidence in life. They also felt such events will create more awareness about how to deal with the issues related with disability and lay the foundation to approach life positively.

The event also showcased an Art Exhibition by challenged artists from all over India, at the foyer throughout the day.  Three out the many paintings received, got the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and 2 consolation prizes.

The winners were awarded a cash prize of Rs. 5000, Rs. 3000, Rs. 2000, Rs. 1500 respectively, with a trophy and certificate. Certificates were distributed to all the participant artists.

Ms. Geeta Jain, Strategic Program Vice President, Carlson Wagon Lit Travel, India, long term patron of SAMADHAN rendered her closing remarks by encouraging and appreciating efforts of each and every one present there for the event.

Ms. Amrita Lalljee, Drama and Theatre in Education, Practitioner a great supporter of SAMADHAN compered the whole event.

Vote of thanks was presented by Ms. Sumathi Morgan, Executive Director of SAMADHAN. She thanked IIC for providing the venue, Ms. Geeta Jain Strategic Program Vice President and Ms. Sunita S Menon, Senior Director Human Resources, Carlson Wagon Lit Travel, India, Ms. Janak Gandhi, Board member of SAMADHAN who coordinated and conducted the art exhibition, Ms. Ranjana Paydey and Ms. Amrita Lalljee for their support, Ms.  Pramila Balasundaram and SAMADHAN team for successful event.

The program ended with joy and smiles on the faces of the audience.


It was a delight to watch the kids on stage yesterday. And I do recognize the effort that went behind it. So my sincere compliments to you, Sumathi and the entire team of Samadhan. I feel part of the family myself, and therefore happy to contribute in any way I can – Geeta Jain, Strategic Program Vice President, Carlson Wagon Lit Travel, India

The program was indeed wonderful and was glad to be able to participate in it.  SAMADHAN team gives its heart and soul to these children and their families and it’s the learnings about life, selflessness and spirit of perseverance is what I always take back home from my interactions with the team. Folks like you, Sumati , all the teachers and staff members are making a difference in our world. God bless - Sunita S Menon | Senior Director Human Resources , Carlson Wagon Lit Travel, India

Administrative Office

Samadhan, Centre for Human Resources
Sector 2, Pocket 2,
Dwarka, New Delhi - 1100 75

+91-11-2507 3137
+91-11- 45516693
+91-74284 50880

Registered Office

Samadhan, Centre for Human Resources
F-Block Main Park, Sector-V,
Dakshinpuri, New Delhi - 110 062

+91-11-2905 4367

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